Exclusive Membership Benefits
Membership entitlements include:
- Unlimited use of the centre and all resources
- The ability to borrow from a selection of genealogical publications
- Access to special interest groups, workshops, lectures and masterclasses at member prices
- Use of our online subscription sites such as Ancestry - Worldwide, FindMyPast Worldwide and a vast collection of other genealogical websites
- Films and microfiche in our collection may be viewed using the Canon scanner and viewer and /or the ScanPro2000 Film and fiche viewer
Three issues of our journal e-Muster electronically delivered and available from our website. Newsletter Pelican Press available at general meetings. Receive via our members mailing list regular issues of our Newsletter.
Membership Fees
Single: $55.00
Joint: $78.00
Renewal Fees
Single: $55.00
Joint: $78.00

Payment Details
New Members
Payment can be made via Direct Debit. Make sure a completed form is emailed to the Membership Secretary at immediately after bank transaction is completed.
In the reference section type NEWMEM
Membership Renewals
Renew your membership easily through Direct Debit using your membership number as a reference.
Be sure to send an updated renewal form if any of your details, such as address, email, or phone number, have changed.
Bank Details:
Account Name: Central Coast Family History Society Inc
BSB: 633 000
Account No: 175073667
Reference: membership number or NEWMEM (for new members)